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Services and Opportunities for Worship 

Updated 8/3/25

Regular Sunday Worship

Weekday Worship


Additional activities available on our Activities page 

We welcome you to our worship this Sunday 

and through the week. 

If you are a visitor, we hope to see you again.

Tea, coffee and squash will be served in the church hall after the service.​​

Sunday 9th March - Lent 1

10 am: Morning worship

The Methodist Way of Life” week 1 in series

led by Jacky and Brian

Steward: Valerie Thornewell

Welcome Stewards: Peter Cox, Mike Winsor

Organist: Rob Wilding

Café Church at 3pm

“Lent and borrowed” led by Monica

Sunday 16th March - Lent 2

10am: Morning worship led by David Newell

The Methodist Way of Life

Week 2 in series, “Learning and Caring

Steward: Gwen Bartley

Bible Reader: Tony Buddin

Intercessions: Tony Buddin

Welcome Stewards: Audrey Harris

Organist: Rob Wilding

3pm Café Church in Burham

at the Old School Community Centre



Breakfast Church 

9:00 - 10:00 First Sunday of every month 

Free bacon butties and delicious continental breakfast 

Informal worship, stories and activities for all ages 

Call Naomi on 01732 875072 for more details

(NOTE: No Breakfast Church in August)

Sunday Club 

There will be Sunday Club (for under 18s) on the second and fourth Sundays 
Children and young people are invited to join the 10am service at first, and then go out to Sunday Club. 

Cafe Church











Cafe Church is at 3pm on the second Sunday of each month 

A relaxing hour of songs, stories, activities, conversation, tea, coffee and cake!

Do come and join us and bring your friends. More information from Monica.


This weekend, there's our Christmas tree festival (see the attached flyers) with the opportunity to sing 60 Christmas carols (or as many as you'd like!) on Sunday afternoon. It should be a brilliant event - huge thanks to Monica and all those involved. 

North Kent Methodist Circuit - Sunday online service

The on-line circuit service is on Sunday at 10.30am. 

The link and service sheets can be found at: 


Those without the Internet can now dial in from a landline or mobile and listen to the service, using these simple steps:

Step 1: Between 10.15 and 10.30, dial 020 3481 5237 from a mobile or landline - this number is charged at the standard national rate

Step 2: When requested, enter the meeting ID (742 958 8134) followed by #

You do not need a 'participant ID' - just press #.


Between 10.15 and 10.30 there will be an opportunity for those dialling in to chat; the lines will be muted at 10.30 so everyone can listen to the service.

Cafe table.jpg

November: Remembering Service
A joyful service with leaves and candles to remember people who helped to transform our lives.


Muffins & More group ​

Muffins & More meet in the Sycamore Hall on Tuesdays at 10.30am.  If you wish to join with the group in prayer and quiet time, contact Gwen Bartley who will add your email address to her Muffins group. 


 (see Activities>Muffins page for latest, full details).

Online Bible study meeting - Every Tuesday between 8.30pm - 10pm.

If you have been missing out on Bible study during lockdown, you are most welcome to join our small group. 

Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 863 9304 1488 (no Passcode required)


Zoom Prayer meeting 

between 7.30 - 9pm:


Dial-In Service

NOTE: These will now be at 10am, on the first Thursday of each month.

Step 1: At 10am dial 020 3481 5237 from a mobile or landline

Step 2: When requested, enter the Meeting ID 999 8764 3710 followed by #


Step 3: When requested, enter the Passcode 345080 followed by #
You do not need a 'Participant ID' - just press #

For those of you who have email, please note:

If you have a laptop, iPad or phone, you can also get into the service on these devices with just one click using the following link:

(In case you need it, the Meeting ID is: 999 8764 3710 and Passcode: 345080

For more information contact Monica Wilding

Men's prayer group and Women's prayer group

In person at MADM Bookshop, 49 Church Street, Maidstone ME14 1DS 

Thursdays between 6.30 - 8.00pm: 

or join on Zoom


Crossover service with Zoom Thursdays at 7pm. — You are invited to come and share a time of worship, which includes a time of Sharing the Word. Over the last couple of months, the Word has been given by preachers from different parts of the UK, as well as having Pastors and lay preachers from, Brazil, Republic of Congo and Fiji. For those who would like to have the opportunity to discuss, or listen to others discussing, what has been said, and share in some spiritual conversation, a second session will follow straight afterwards.

Come and join us, you would be more than welcome to dip in and out of these times. 


Meeting ID: 260 631 405

For more details about Crossover see our Crossover page

Messy Church​

see our Messy Church page or contact Monica for more information.

Praise before Lunch 

Contact Valerie for details regarding our next Praise before Lunch.


Five drivers drove Praise Before Lunch folk around the Kent countryside on Thursday 28 August for their Summer Drive, visiting places such as Paddlesworth, Tudeley and old Burham churches, before enjoying a Cream Tea at Spadework.



Taketime meditations

Taketime offer a wide range of 5, 10, 15 and 20-minute meditations, inviting listeners to enter into a Bible story and to spend time sitting with Jesus and listening for what he might have to say. You can find the full range of meditations here.

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